The Moral Strength of Fathers
I was raised to believe that a person must be disciplined, and be in control of themselves, at all times. Particularly, a man must, as he will one day be charged to care for his family, and the undisciplined, unrestrained man will not be able to do this with success. As I’ve said, this is what I’ve been raised to believe, and though I still believe that discipline is important, and self-discipline doubly-so, I do not believe that it is solely the man’s responsibility to set the standards of morality in his house. Why? Because, in a dangerous world, the conveyance of morality from parent to child is extremely important, and there is no such thing as a perfect man.
2025 Confirmation Bias
I’m coming back to the 2025 project, to continue my exercise of examining the hijinks that are happening within Republican party plans. When you read through the 2025 documents, you might be excused for thinking there could be more evidence there. For example, when they say (with regard to the DoD), that the United States should “prioritize the U.S. conventional force planning construct to defeat a Chinese invasion of Taiwan before allocating resources to other missions, such as simultaneously fighting another conflict.” The implication, clearly, is that the United States is not already planning for the possibility of multiple conflicts. Allow me to introduce you to the actual United States military strategy, as per Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States of America. The Rand Institute (yes, that Rand Institute) has even suggested that the cost to be able to fight multiple wars across multiple continents is prohibitively expensive.
I Resolve To…
As I lay awake last night, listening to the fireworks go off in the far distance, I pondered some of the things that I’d learned recently. I asked myself what, out of everything that I’ve experienced, had impacted me or influenced me the most in the last year. Most of this breaks down into knowledge about human behavior that now drives my decision making process. I’m hopeful these observations can also help guide yours!
A Harvest of Sorrow
Of what comfort will my writing this be to those who are being bombed in Gaza, or those whose loved ones lay bleeding in the aftermath of a concert? None. So what, then, is the point of my writing this?
I’ve seen a rapid coalescing of my friends and associates—of intelligent and honorable people—into two distinct and separate camps: those who demand blood for the spilled blood of the thousand-plus Israelis who have been killed in an almost unprecedented terrorist act, and those who justify said attacks, suggesting in someway that the Israelis at the concert are an acceptable sacrifice for…what was that phrase…reshuffling the deck?
Get To Work
It starts with taking ownership of this nation. And that is why I celebrate. Because it’s my nation, and it’s your nation. And together, we will shape it into what we want it to be, no matter how long that takes. Yes, it is possible to celebrate the opportunities we have, while at the same time, being realistic about the challenges ahead. With a clearly radicalized Supreme Court, it can be easy to lose sight of that possibility, of that vision of the shining city on the hill that we never were, but that we should perpetually strive to be.
Happy Independence Day!
Now, get to work.
More on Child Abuse
A while back, I did a blog entry about child abuse and how it correlates with political leaning. I made a promise at the end of that piece that I would dig a little deeper. You can check on the study above if you want the full scoop, but it boils down to this: in counties Trump one, child abuse was more rampant. It varied from county to county, but on the surface, it appears that Trump counties at the very least aren’t effective at stopping child abuse.
In Memoriam
Through the course of our history, and before, these United States have always had a force of warriors prepared to do the hard work of keeping our nation safe from aggressors. These brave men and women enter the service of our country replete in the knowledge of the sacrifice they may be asked to make. And as much as each fighter has been willing to trade their lives for the safety of their loved ones, so have their loved ones been willing to sacrifice the lives of their soldier, Marine, fighter to preserve the nation which that person loved. How many fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters have been left behind as their loved ones gave the final sacrifice?