Fruits of Democracy

There's something enticing about autocracy. When we look at our democratic government, and all of its disfunction and chaos, it's easy to get frustrated with the state of affairs. We often forget that it's exactly this sort of democratic process that created the world's most effective fighting force in the history of mankind. It's also easy to forget that this messy process created the strongest economy in the world, and installed America's undisputed hegemony. Finally, it is the force of democracy that has incessantly pushed us toward true equality, albeit in fits and starts. Those who would do away with this imperfect process to install a dictator either fail to understand the obvious power in maintaing said democracy, or would prefer not to have such advances in equality, unmatched power and global influence. Anyone else understands that we improve our process incrementally, and we will one day achieve the vision for the country written into its DNA in the form of a constitution. Autocracy yields destitution, only democracy lifts us from that possibility, even if at times it seems that we are backsliding. Democracy has brought us from darkness in so many ways, and will continue to do so, if we maintain it.

An unfortunately big IF given the upcoming elections…


Cult Thinking


Drunk on Power