Cult Thinking

It's hard to see things in a different light when you've been inundated with far right thinking. On this podcast, we talk about some of the talking points that we've heard on the right and how these ideas don't hold water. Yet underlining all of this is the fact that no matter how many times we say this to people we know, they refuse to see. It's like yelling at the wall sometimes. No doubt you've found yourself in the same position with people you know. The only way to overcome is to vote against them. We have to end oil dependency, we have to. This isn't a partisan concept, but an existential one. Here's the thing: they don't want us to suffer, if they say so. The fact is our friends don't. But when it comes to policies that the people they support pass, then their positions absolutely do cause us to suffer. Connecting these dots seems nearly impossible. So just vote. Make sure that the voices of the reasonable outweigh the voices of the extremists.


Not Like the Other


Fruits of Democracy