Andrew Sweet Andrew Sweet

Enough. Yet?

More mass shootings. More arguments about gun control laws. Does it matter? Let’s be real for a second. The United States 40% of all guns in the world, 4.25% of the world’s population. That means that if there was any truth at all to the “good guy with a gun” argument, the United States would be the safest country in the world with regards to gun violence. And yet, we aren’t. Okay, so let’s stop talking about that one, shall we?

Another honest moment. The Giffords project ( tracks gun laws across the nation. They aren’t pushing gun laws to ban assault weapons on that website. We did an analysis comparing the gun law rating that Giffords discusses, and gun violence in particular states. The results are here, and it’s not surprising at all that the states with worse gun laws are the states with more deaths by gun violence, and these are also (shocker) states with more Republicans.

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