The Great Replacement

Do you ever wonder why we can’t seem to get this immigration thing sorted? Well, one huge clue might have to be that the majority of one political party (yes, GOP) has been espousing White Replacement Theory. This idea isn’t new. In fact, this goes back centuries. But until recently, WRT has been made a central cornerstone of the GOP platform, with disasterous effect. As the far-right and the GOP continue to erase the borders between them, we see more and more the truth about the GOP. Far too many are comfortable espousing racist dog-whistles to gain racist followers.

Is there anything to be done? Well, kind of. During this episode, Chuck and Christina discuss some of the ins and outs of WRT, and some of the routine mistakes we make with regards to immigration that prevent the integration of our communities and allow BS stereotypes to continue to gain traction.


Bloodied Hands


The Bigger Lie