How to Pass a Racist Law
There's a lot of conversation about racism in this country. We generally as a nation proclaim ourselves "colorblind." It is through this colorblind prism that we judge our laws. We take the intent of the law at face value, never mind what it might do to the people of our nation. But did you know that racist laws are still being passed anyway? How, you ask, can a colorblind law be a racist one? Two main ways: intentionally and accidentally. Seems snarky to say that, but it's the truth. There are people who spend time and energy analyzing statistics and looking for a way to target communities of color, but with plausible deniability. Law requiring id to vote? Well, do some research and you find very quickly that in many places, there are roadblocks to obtaining said identification, and that those roadblocks are often intentional and often targeted toward people of color. This is what we discuss in this episode: how to be a racist without looking like one.