High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Republicans want to impeach Biden so badly that they kicked someone out of their “Freedom Caucus.” Here’s the deal: there are no high crimes or misdemeanors of which Biden is guilty to our awareness (and we definitely pay attention). These are prerequisites for an impeachment of a president. They argue that Biden's border policies (which, I remind you, mostly is extending the policies of Donald Trump) are allowing dangerous people to enter the US. They say this despite the fact that more migrants have been turned away under Biden than Donald Trump—which I’m officially against, but generally, Republicans go all gushy for.

Look, if there was anything a sliver of anything on Hillary Clinton, Trump would have locked her up lock her. The investigations found nothing. But you This is the same thing the Republicans areDo you know what bugs us about this? Show us the money! What money? How about the over $7 million dollars wasted investigating Hillary Clinton? How about however much money they’re about to waste (and already wasting) investigating Biden?

As fun as it is to watch them eat their own, this dysfunctional branch of the government, courtesy of McCarthy and his Freedom Caucus Republicans, is costing American taxpayers. That’s my money and your money, and I want it spent wisely. You should to. Fire these clowns.


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