Go Die Somewhere Else

The largest bloc of people who pay taxes are college-educated Americans. So when we talk about student loans, what are we talking about? On principle, paying back loans makes sense. How does a $7,000 loan end up as $17,000 worth of payments? Student loans are structured in a way that people who get them often end up paying significantly more than the loan is actually worth.

What’s the problem with forgiving a little? Not sure. We seem to have no problem forgiving loans from PPP and corporations, yet when it comes to individuals — loans that are significantly adversely impacting the lives of millions of Americans — we have a problem with that?

Further, housing the homeless. Many Americans are thinking that houseless people are a problem, and spend time and energy trying to push the problem out of sight. But that amounts to what? Houseless people moving to cities that have better programs for assistance, or dying unseen in the wilderness. Let’s not forget if homelessness is a criminal offense, now all houseless people will have criminal records. Republican policy is the title of this podcast: Go Die Somewhere Else.


Midterm Hustle


See No Immigrants